Get News, except your excluded topics!

News channels have become an integral part of our daily lives, serving as a primary source of information on global events and current affairs. However, while they offer numerous benefits, there are significant disadvantages associated with their prevalence and impact. This essay explores the drawbacks of news channels, focusing on issues such as sensationalism, bias, misinformation, and their effect on mental health.

  1. Sensationalism

One of the most glaring disadvantages of news channels is sensationalism. In the race for higher ratings and more viewers, news outlets often prioritize sensational and shocking stories over informative and balanced reporting. This sensationalism can distort the public’s perception of reality by emphasizing emotionally charged content rather than objective news.

Sensationalism tends to exaggerate the significance of certain events, leading to a distorted worldview and misplaced priorities. People become desensitized to real issues, and the constant bombardment of sensational news can erode trust in media outlets, contributing to a climate of misinformation and cynicism.

  1. Bias and Partisanship

Another major drawback of news channels is bias and partisanship. Many news outlets are affiliated with political or corporate interests, which can lead to skewed reporting and the omission of crucial information. This bias undermines the media’s role as a watchdog of democracy and fosters polarization among the public.

Viewers are increasingly seeking out news channels that align with their existing beliefs, leading to echo chambers where individuals are exposed only to information that confirms their biases. This polarization hampers constructive dialogue and cooperation among diverse groups, hindering societal progress.

  1. Misinformation

The proliferation of fake news and misinformation is a significant issue associated with news channels. In the digital age, news spreads rapidly through social media, and many news outlets prioritize being the first to report, sometimes at the expense of fact-checking. False information can quickly go viral, causing real harm by misleading the public.

Misinformation can have dire consequences, such as influencing public opinion, triggering panic, and even inciting violence. News channels should bear the responsibility of ensuring the accuracy of their content, but the pressure to break stories often leads to a disregard for thorough verification.

  1. Mental Health Impact

News channels can also have a detrimental impact on mental health. Constant exposure to negative and distressing news stories can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression among viewers. The 24/7 news cycle bombards individuals with a never-ending stream of crises, leaving little room for emotional respite.

Moreover, the constant sensationalism and focus on conflict can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and cynicism about the world. People may start to believe that the world is a more dangerous and unstable place than it actually is, further impacting their mental well-being.

  1. Short Attention Span and Shallow Coverage

The format of news channels often promotes a short attention span and shallow coverage of complex issues. In the rush to cover multiple stories within a limited time frame, news outlets may provide only superficial information, leaving viewers with a limited understanding of important topics.

This tendency towards brevity can hinder the public’s ability to grasp the nuances of critical issues, leading to oversimplification and a lack of informed public discourse. In-depth analysis and context are sacrificed for the sake of brevity and immediacy.


While news channels play a crucial role in keeping the public informed, they also come with significant disadvantages. Sensationalism, bias, misinformation, and their impact on mental health are all pressing issues that need to be addressed. As responsible consumers of news, it is essential to be aware of these drawbacks and strive for a balanced and critical approach to media consumption. Moreover, holding news outlets accountable for their reporting standards and demanding higher ethical standards is key to mitigating these disadvantages and ensuring that news channels serve the greater good of society.

To fix issues of News, we have developed a project,


This news project has been developed in CodeIgniter is a powerful MVC (Model View Controller) framework which provides a small in size toolkit of a few Mega Bytes (MBs) to create full fledged web applications which are very fast. CodeIgniter works with a lot of different kinds of databases.

Following project has been created to display simple implementation of CodeIgniter. It shows a new application which includes logins, sessions and can handle infinite users with their own dashboard. Each dashboard is designed to set functionalities to watch news of particular types.

Project covers the News of particular types through however when a user register and login and to his account on the website at , user gets his own Custom Dashboard which shows in name, email, option to change password and other functionalities. This project has been created on the scope that while Coronavirus, whichever news we opened, it belonged to only one topic. So, it caused a lot of negative-ness to spread whoever read news about the Virus. Similarly, there are topics around us which offend certain people. While news is a wonderful thing to read and increase knowledge about our surroundings and some powerful components can cause us to stay away from news and avoid latest news going around the world. While there a lot of other news applications available online which allow us to read topic however it can not avoid certain kind of news topics which we shall not be interested in knowing more to keeping up our healthy reading. Many readers take it very seriously based on if the news is interesting, they like to read however when not interesting topics start showing up, the refuse to read them further. While the news agencies promise to bring truth to us, they also bring topics which is not of our interest.

So, to make the news interesting, we can exclude some news which we do not like to read. For example, if we do not like to read more news about word ‘coronavirus’, we can simply login to this web application and add the word ‘coronavirus’ in it. After being logged in, when you open the news in the website, it will scan through each News topic and text, for the word ‘coronavirus’. If the word found in a news, it will not show that news and you can easily focus on what else is going around the world.

Similarly there are a lot of topics, which you can exclude using the dashboard. Exclude the repetitive news words which you believe is not of your interest at the moment or you do not want to read about those topics ever. You can edit (add or remove) those words easily in the dashboard to get the News except the news which have those particular words. Here is demo video showing how to use the Dashboard:

You may not be interested in politics news, some personality news or a particular topic news which is not of your interest however their news get repeated over and over again in News. Here you have choice to add all the topic related words in the Dashboard and you won’t get any News which contain those words.

Every time you find a News containing particular words, not of your interest, you can add those words and news including those words will not show to you. Words can be added or removed anytime.

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