
Get Tiktok viral videos without watermark

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $400.00.

After software downloaded read readme_instructions.txt file for proper setup of software.



Get Tiktok viral videos


Tiktok viral videos are calculated on basis of 150 videos at ones, as shown in video. Video which have highest number of likes in number of days from its post on Tiktok and (divided by) number of likes, average is calculated from 150 videos and most viral video is downloaded.

For example:

video1 posted 20 days ago and have 5000 likes

video2 posted 4 days ago and have 4000 likes

For video1 =

20 days = 5000 likes

1 day = 5000/20 = 250 score


For video2 =

4 days = 4000 likes

1 day = 4000/4 = 1000 score


In this way data of 150 videos will be calculated at ones and most viral video related to a keyword will be extracted. Next time new set of 150 videos will be calculated along with score of 150 videos calculated earlier and downloaded video is ignored.


This can be automated as well. Buy this software and if you need special support to install on your website, please contact or


After software downloaded read readme_instructions.txt file for proper setup of software.


Demo version of code available here:–download-Without-watermark-in-php


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